Ragda Patties | Petis Food | Step by Step With Photos | Delicious

Ragda patties | Secret tips | Step by step | Ingredients | Nutrition | At home | Street food style

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About Ragda patties Recipe

Ragda Patties is a popular Mumbai street food. It’s a dish that appeals to everyone and is often enjoyed with a variety of chutneys. While it can be made without potatoes, it’s typically prepared with spicy, sweet, and tangy chutneys, making it a delightful culinary experience.

Ragda Patties has a unique taste due to its blend of spicy, sweet, and tangy chutneys. Although some people prefer it without chutneys, the flavor is greatly enhanced when accompanied by these condiments.

Let’s make it today, and here are the step-by-step instructions with photos. We are going to teach you with easy step than other.

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Tips for Making Ragda patties Recipe

  1. Soak dried peas in water : To prepare Ragda Patties, soak dried peas in water for eight to nine hours so that they can be cooked quickly, then cook them in a pressure cooker until they’re soft.
  2. Garnish them from all sides: When assembling it, make sure to garnish them from all sides, so it has a Christian taste, and its flavor comes out perfectly.
  3. Chutneys with Ragda Patties: It’s essential to have chutneys. You can prepare the chutneys in advance and store them in the refrigerator.
  4. Piping hot : Ragda should be piping hot when served to enjoy it to the fullest.

Ragda Patties Recipe Ingredients

1/2 cup of tamarind
1/2 cup dates
10 to 15 mints
1tbsp dandiya dal
1/2tbsp chat masala
1/2 tsp dried cumin powder
1/2tbsp ginger
1/2tbsp garam masala
2 onions
2 tomatoes
1tbsp lemon juice
1/2 cup jaggery
Nylon sav
1/2tbsp turmeric
7 to 10 potatoes
1/2tbsp Jeru

Nutrition in Ragda Patties Recipe

  • Vitamin A: 12mg
  • Vitamin C: 34mg
  • protein: 11.1mg
  • Vitamin E: 0mg
  • Calcium: 0mg
  • Magnesium: 0mg
  • Sodium: 72mg
  • Fiber: 11.8g
  • Iron: 18mg
  • Zinc: 1.5mg
  • Potassium: 6mg

Ragda patties Recipe Step by Step With Photos

Step 1 : 
First, to make ragda patties, we will make chutney for the raw mango pickle. For that, we will take a little bit of mustard seeds and soak them in a cup of jaggery for a while.

ragda patties

Step 2 : 
Until then, we are making green chutney. For that, take a few green chilies (10 to 15), about 1 tablespoon of split pigeon peas, a little sweetener as per taste, half a teaspoon of chat masala, half a teaspoon of cumin powder, and the juice of half a lemon. Add a piece of ginger as well. Remove all of this and crush it using a blender.

ragda patties

Step 3 :
Now, if we have ripe mangoes, we will first mash them well by hand. Then, add about half a cup of jaggery and a teaspoon of red chili powder, a teaspoon of cumin powder, and a little sweetener as per taste for ragda patties chutney.

ragda patties

Step 4 : 
After mixing everything, we will cook it on high heat for 15 minutes. This chutney should not be very sour.

ragda patties

Step 5 : 
Then, we will take a cup of green peas and soak them overnight so that they become soft. After that, we will cook the peas by adding a little turmeric and sweetener as per taste until they are well-cooked. Once they are cooked, we will put them on the gas stove, add half a teaspoon of turmeric and some sweetener, and cook them on high heat.

ragda patties

Step 6 : 
For the green pea curry of ragda patties, we will also grind soaked and cooked peas until they become a smooth paste, and then prepare its base.

ragda patties

Step 7 :
In it, add 1 teaspoon of red chili powder, 1 teaspoon of cumin powder, and a little sweetener as per taste, along with half a teaspoon of garam masala and half a teaspoon of chat masala.

ragda patties

Step 8 :
Then, we need the dough to be slightly firm for ragda patties, so add a piece of bread to it and knead it well. This will help absorb any excess water in the dough, and the dough should become quite firm.

ragda patties

STEP 9 :
Afterward, we will prepare the patties from this dough, and once all the patties are ready,

ragda patties

STEP 10 :
In a pan, heat oil without adding any more oil. When the oil is hot, you will fry the patties from both sides.

ragda patties

STEP 11 :
When the patties are fried, it means our green pea curry is ready. Crush it with the help of a spoon and prepare a thick gravy in the same way for ragda of ragda patties.

ragda patties

STEP 12 :
Then, place the patties on a plate and pour the gravy over them.

ragda patties

STEP 13 :
Afterward, garnish it with finely chopped tomatoes and sliced onions.

ragda patties

STEP 14 :
Then, you’ll place the chutney that you’ve prepared on top of it, and garnish it with some nylon sev and a sprinkle of green coriander leaves.

ragda patties

STEP 15 :
So, the delicious and spicy ragda patties are ready.

ragda patties

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